Swiss Shopware experts save from expensive Google Ads errors

Nikimo and RECI IT Solutions work together to combat Google Ads errors

Our customer Nicole Bürkli from was victim of a bad Google Ads agency< /strong> who made fatal mistakes in her account.

When we analyzed the Google Ads account, we were able to quickly uncover the issues and support Nikimo to resolve these errors. picked up Nicole Bürkli’s story and published it: 

The article clearly shows how important it is to have a competent agency at your side that knows the subject and can optimize the performance of the Google Ads account.

Every agency can make mistakes. That’s human! And unavoidable.

Unfortunately, every time Nicole asked questions, she was always told that everything was fine. There have even been several attempts to sell additional services to improve performance.

The agency found the error, fixed it, and continued to let Nikimo believe that everything was fine.

Even after the error and the correction were discovered and pointed out towards the end of the year, the agency showed no insight. To date there has been no apology. 

How are things going with Google Ads now?

Since January we have taken over the management of Nikimo‘s Google Ads account.</ b> Significant performance increases can already be recorded.

The collaboration with Nicole is going great and we are proud to be able to support her through Google Ads in addition to numerous other Shopware services. 

Shopware experts for your digital marketing

At RECI IT we support our Shopware customers and offer, among other things, specialized Google Ads services.

We focus exclusively on our Shopware customers as we have extensive experience and expertise in the area of e-commerce specifically for Shopware. This focus allows us to achieve optimal results and offer our customers tailor-made solutions.

Find out more about our services and contact us for a non-binding consultation.

We look forward to making YOUR Swiss Shopware shop a success

Do you have a Shopware shop and are unsure whether your Google Ads agency is doing a good job?

Let us carry out a Google Ads audit and we will show you how well you are really being looked after.

Contact us › 

PS: Most agencies do a great job! So don’t worry that this can happen to you too. 


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