Maximum Protection for your Shopware 5 or Shopware 6 shop

We are happy to announce that our valued hosting partner Trendhosting is launching a brand new solution called Enterprise Class Malware Scan & RASP for all customers. You can now protect yourself from harmful malware with this innovative security feature.

The Enterprise Class Malware Scan & RASP offers comprehensive protection for your Shopware 5 or Shopware 6 shop by continuously scanning for potential malware and blocking it in real time. This protects your shop and minimizes the risk of security breaches.

Best of all, this service is available free of charge to all Trendhosting customers. Regardless of whether you run a small or complex e-commerce shop, with Enterprise Class Malware Scan & RASP you can optimally secure your online presence.

Our partner Trendhosting knows how important the security of your Shopware online shop is. That’s why they always keep up to date with the latest technology to offer you the best solutions.

Who is Trendhosting

Trendhosting is a leading hosting provider that specializes in providing high-quality hosting solutions. With a wide range of services and excellent customer support, Trendhosting has made a name for itself as a trusted partner for businesses and individuals in need of a reliable and secure online presence.

Official Shopware hosting partner

Trendhosting is an experienced Shopware partner. For the certification, the infrastructure was also checked by Shopware technicians. The feedback from Shopware was implemented directly, so that Trendhosting can offer you an optimal hosting environment for Shopware 5 and Shopware 6 customers.

The Importance of Website Security

The security of your Shopware shop is crucial. At a time when cyberattacks are becoming increasingly common, ensuring the security of your store is essential to protect your data, your customers’ data and your company’s reputation.

Common security gaps in Shopware shops

Online stores are vulnerable to various types of security vulnerabilities that can be exploited by attackers. The most common vulnerabilities include outdated software, insecure passwords, insecure network configurations, and incorrect code implementations. Once an attacker has found a security hole, they can inject harmful malware into your online shop and use it for their own purposes.

What is malware and why is it a threat to websites?

Malware is a collective term for malicious software designed to cause harm to your computer or website. This can manifest itself in a variety of ways, such as stealing confidential data, taking control of your website, or injecting malicious content that may endanger your visitors. Malware can spread in a variety of ways, including unsafe downloads, infected links, or email attachments.

The Enterprise Class Malware Scan & RASP solution

The Enterprise Class Malware Scan & RASP solution works in the background of your Shopware 5 or Shopware 6 store to protect it from harmful malware. Once activated, the solution continuously monitors traffic on your store and detects malicious behavior. When malicious malware is detected, the solution blocks access to the affected content in real time.

The new solution does not work like traditional signature-based solutions, as this has the disadvantage that only known malware can be detected and eliminated. Instead, it analyzes the behavior of your application and its scripts.

Thanks to the integrated RASP (Runtime Application Self-Protection), incorrect or malicious behavior is detected in real time and responded to immediately.

The results can then be viewed in the Trendhosting admin panel and the further procedure (e.g. final deletion of the quarantined files, etc.) can be determined.

Benefits of Trendhosting’s Enterprise Class Malware Scan & RASP solution

The Enterprise Class Malware Scan & RASP solution offers a variety of benefits for our Shopware customers. Here are some of the key benefits:

  • Real-time scanning: The solution continuously scans your store for malware and blocks malicious content in real time.
  • RASP technology: The solution uses RASP (Runtime Application Self-Protection) technology to protect your online store from attacks in real time.
  • Free: The new solution was integrated free of charge for all Trendhosting customers.

RECI IT and Trendhosting: The dream team for your Shopware shop

RECI IT and Trendhosting are long-standing certified partners of Shopware. Through our collaboration, we guarantee our Swiss Shopware customers an optimal structure for their e-commerce environment.

At RECI IT, our focus is on the maximum efficiency of your Shopware 5 and Shopware 6 shops through individual developments and personal, competent advice. Process optimization and automation are the focus of our activities and optimize many of our customers’ processes so that they can devote themselves to more important topics.

Thanks to Trendhosting, we have a reliable and competent hosting partner at our side who ensures that our customers are in the best hands. Trendhosting is characterized by excellent and fast support, fair prices and modern hosting solutions. With the new and free Enterprise Class Malware Scan & RASP solution, Trendhosting has once again proven why we can unreservedly recommend this collaboration to all of our customers.

Change your Shopware hosting partner

Are you satisfied with your current hosting partner? Are you happy with the protection of your Shopware environment?

Contact us without obligation: We would be happy to discuss with you the options for moving your Shopware shop to Trendhosting. And the best thing about it – all Trendhosting customers benefit from the 30-day money-back guarantee.

Advantages of Shopware

Shopware is a popular e-commerce platform that offers a variety of benefits. Here are some of the key benefits of Shopware:

Flexibility and adaptability:

  • Shopware offers a high level of flexibility and adaptability, so that retailers can adapt their online shops to their specific requirements, especially for Switzerland.
  • By using templates and plugins, merchants can easily customize the appearance and functionality of their store.

User friendliness:

  • Shopware’s user interface is designed to be intuitive, which allows even less technical users to manage their online store effectively.

Marketing tools:

  • Shopware offers a variety of marketing tools, such as discount promotions, cross-selling and upselling options, to increase sales and promote customer loyalty.


  • With Shopware, merchants can easily internationalize their online shops by supporting multiple languages and currencies.

Community and Support:

Technical basis:

  • Shopware is based on modern technologies and offers a solid technical basis for the development and scaling of online shops.

These advantages make Shopware an attractive e-commerce solution for companies that want to build a powerful and flexible online shop. We would be happy to advise you individually if you are interested in switching to Shopware.


Trendhosting’s Enterprise Class Malware Scan & RASP solution is the ideal solution to protect your store from harmful malware. With its comprehensive coverage and real-time scanning function, this solution is indispensable for all Shopware customers.

If you have any questions or require further information, please feel free to contact us. We’re here to help. 

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